Newport is a charming city and offers you a wide range of possibilities. Our loft is perfectly situated in the middle of the historical heart of the town.
You have a beautiful view on the ancient tower of Saint Laurens and you are only at walking distance from the city center and the famous Fish Market. The beach is at 4 km.
The environment & activities

The Westfront Newport visitors center is situated below the Albert 1 monument. In front of the entrance you will find the lions statue “Memorial to the missing”.
« De Ganzepoot » an ingenious lock complex
Bommenvrij - an old gunpowder warehouse which houses nowadays the « coming world, remember me » artist’s studio.
Duvetorre & Jeanne Panne - ruins of the ancient Saint Laurent church

...we go on with culture
Stadshalle & Stadhuis – witnesses of the flourishing trade history of the city
Carillon – concerts every Wednesday and Friday
Fish Market – guided visits. Can be booked at the Tourist Office or at the Promovis association, which houses in the Fish Market building.
For the sporty types...
The Newport Marina – the biggest Marina in Northern Europe
Watersports on the Ganzepoot basin or at the Bloso’s surfclub

… the walkers
hiking trails - a selection from the wide range of possibilities
- The Koolhof hiking trail – starts at the Newport Grand-Place and takes you along a variety of interesting places such as the quays, the Ganzepoot, the Albert 1 monument, the Koolhof pitch and the Frontzate trail.
• Ter Yde walking trail. This trail brings you through the different Nature Reserves in between the city and the beach.
• The IJzermonding trail – A Nature reserve with a rare wealth of flora and fauna.

...and the cyclists
Beautiful bicycle rides – a small selection out of a wide range of possibilities:
The « Lange Lis » gives you the opportunity to rally trough the Westhoek, departing from Newport. The circuit runs along the river Yser, the Hemmeleed, the Proostdijkvaart and the Langeleed. It also passes trough some characteristic little villages in the Polders, such as: Ramskapelle and Booitshoeke.
The Cole seed route: this bicycle ride takes you to the magnificent Cole seed fields along the Yser riverbed, passing through Newport, Diksmuide and Middelkerke.
The Frontzate bicycle route: You will be driving over the old railway bed which connected Diksmuide with Newport at that time. This trail is also known as the 74 route.
If you like to stay with us, don ‘t hesitate to contact us by filling in the information form below. We will answer you within 24 hours.
You can phone us on +32 472 81 00 97.
We are looking forward welcoming you.
Willem de Roolaan 28 / box 201 (in front of the Duvetorre)
8620 Nieuwpoort (Belgium)
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